Instant Healing...for People, Pets and Properties
Enter the details of the person, pet or property you want to receive healing or energy clearing. If you need more than one session please just repeat the process as often as is needed.
Instant Healing for ONE person, pet or property, from: £19.99
£19.99 is a basic healing/clearing, if you feel you need more or deeper work then please feel free to send an amount which you feel is appropriate and you will receive healing to that value.
After submitting the form below you will be shown a Paypal payment button, shortly after you have completed payment you will receive an email confirming that your healing has been activated.
Please note!
The confirmation email will be sent to the registered Paypal address.
How does Instant Healing work?
I have discovered that my role as a Healer is all about Energy Management. I have a range of healing spirits, guides, higher healing powers (e.g. angels) and energies, crystals, herbs, grids, etc, at my disposal 24/7. I can intend that these healing energies and spirits take on certain tasks for me. They work for the highest and best good, with love and light, with the purest of healing energies constantly, without interruption. Instead of channeling their energies through me, as I would during a scheduled focused healing session, I can now instruct them to complete healing and energy clearing for me without any involvement from my own energies - which means you receive a completely clean, pure healing and clearing!
With this tried and tested automatic pure healing method, I have also found that I can manage the healing energies and spirits to immediately send healing to where it’s required when a healing request comes in without me actually needing to be present at the time. This has been a remarkable development for me and my clients as it means that when you require healing, you can receive it straight away! Therefore there are no longer any waiting times for healing - you simply fill out the form on this page, make payment, and the healing energies and spirits start your healing or energy clearing.
Please Note: this instant healing technique ONLY works when you complete the form on this page of my website and send payment via this page. This is the only way that the instant healing will work, as this is the arrangement I have with the healing spirits and energies.
Top reasons to book an Instant Healing
- No waiting times - healing is sent immediately on payment
- No prior discussion or energy check needed - healing or clearing is sent as required to where you need it most, the healing energies and spirits know what you need best
- 24/7 healing - you can choose the best time for you to receive healing at a click of a button (e.g. set your healing to begin when you are relaxing for best results)
- Set your own budget - you can pay as little or as much as you like, and receive healing to that amount
- Receive healing as regularly as you like - you can receive as much healing as you like, when you like, the healing energies and spirits will always be standing by ready to help you
- Healing is of the purest kind and is therefore the most effective - because the healing is only sent via the purest healing energies and spirits, not even channelled through a human, which can accidentally interrupt the flow
- You can request a style of healing - e.g. chakra healing, aura healing, grounding healing, etc
- If you have suffered an injury, or struggle with a recurring problem (e.g. migraines, back pain, anxiety etc) then you can request healing for this issue specifically
- Particularly useful in an emergency*
Testimonials for Instant Healing
Jude and her cat Kayla (UK)
Kayla the cat was struggling with the following symptoms prior to her Instant Healing: 'Her breathing when she's asleep has been sounding wrong, heavy and choked up and she's sneezed a bit. Also blood in her faeces (she has no proper colon).' (Jude)
After a basic £19.99 Instant Healing, Jude reported Kayla ate some food, had a cuddle and was much happier. The healing session had worked on releasing immediate energy blocks in her digestive system and heart area. Following the session, Jude booked some more healing to further what we had started in this session.
For Jude this was a good way to get healing to Kayla fast, as I was booked up during the day time. And then when I was able to assess Kayla's energies following the instant healing, I could send more healing that evening in a booked session.
Paula (Australia)
Paula booked several types of healing sessions across a week. She said that she could feel the healings working straight away. She tried and tested various lengths of healings to find the level/rate that suited her best, so that she could receive the best effects from the healing sessions. After a general mega-grounding healing, Paula said:
‘I do feel better today, not feeling as heavy. Thank you for this fabulous healing. Love this healing, can't thank you enough. The mega grounding did work, feeling great, much lighter.’
And after a longer mega-grounding healing at her heart chakra, Paula said:
‘Chest feeling much better and lighter, thank you.’
Kristen is empathic and felt a strong sickness that was badly affecting her, caused by a friend’s worry. Kristen requested an instant healing for her friend to try and combat their issue and her own feelings she was getting as a result:
‘Wow, I am so happy that you told me about the instant healing option because it definitely worked! Almost immediately I began feeling better yesterday after I booked the instant healing, and today I didn't feel that sick to my stomach feeling at all. My friend called me today and told me that he had a new sense of peace and calm and has even been able to calm down others around him too. So thanks to you and your guides! :) ’